Our Sectors

All across Africa, there is the problem of human and vehicular traffic. Lack of efficient transportation systems and infrastructure results in massive losses to businesses and governments. Leespa is solving Africa’s transportation problems by investing in road and rail transport infrastructure. The Leespa transportation initiative leverages success stories from around the world for the improvement of existing systems in African countries.

Construction And Real Estate
Housing deficit in some African countries is as high as 50%. Demand for affordable housing remains on the surge across the continent. Leespa, through its gated community project, is bringing relief to the citizens of Africa by constructing affording residential properties in urban and peri-urban areas. By extension, Leespa is also addressing a very fundamental need of the market.

Financial Services
Africa has one of the lowest levels of financial inclusion globally. Inadequate capacity is among the reasons why of many of the players in Africa’s financial services sector are unable to reach a huge fraction of the populace. The high level of financial exclusion leaves so much opportunity to be tapped into. Leespa is leveraging investors around the world to reach the “unreached” masses of Africa with innovative financial products. Focus is on in insurance, banking and portfolio investments products.

Africa still exports virtually all of its raw materials abroad for processing- from agricultural produce to minerals. Leespa’s industrialization drive aims to process raw materials from Africa into finished and semi-finished products for export and for domestic consumption.

Health Care
Ultra-modern specialist hospitals chains to curb the spate of African having to seek medical attention abroad for critical ailments. These facilities will be equipped with state-of-the-art equipment’s and manned by very competent world-acclaimed medics. The Leespa hospitals will depart from the regular health facilities and will be accessed largely via memberships. Leespa Health Insurance will also be introduced as a hybrid scheme to cater for Leespa health service members and acceptable at our health facilities.

Oil & Gas
A key concern regarding the governance of oil and gas resources is that the governments of African oil- and gas-producing countries receive an inadequate share of the large rents from production. This may stem from a number of reasons, including contracts and regimes that are not designed to extract maximum rents; and oil and gas policies that are designed primarily to pro- mote and attract investments and have not evolved with changing global dynamics and national interests. The sustainable development of oil and gas resources requires policies, principles, and practices that support the utilization of resources in a manner that does not prevent future generations from benefiting from the resources which we at Leespa Investment Group are well versed in developing and implementing in African continent.

Mining and Construction
In this sector, our strategy is to add value to the core manned guarding services that Leespa Investment Group provide through assuming a greater role, not just in the area of specialist mining and construction, but by providing protection of valuables assets and more importantly ensuring the safety of workers and the communities in which these they operate.
Right now, Africa's construction industry is expected to expand in the coming years according to a report by Deloitte. The report also noted that the continent's fastest-growing economic regions namely, Ethiopia and Ghana, are slowly moving into globalisation.

Procurement is the method of discovering and agreeing to terms and purchasing goods, services, or other works from an external source, often with the use of a tendering or competitive bidding process.
Procurement functions in Africa are in for a challenging period as they grapple with inflation, geopolitical disruption, and global supply chain constraints. Soaring external spend is putting significant pressure on the profit margins of many companies. At Leespa, we outsource at very flexible conditions that will help you securely transact with us.
As Africa continues to grapple with a myriad of challenges, several continental and broader international efforts through Leespa Investment Groups have focused on not only helping countries get out of economic challenges, but to reach their aspirations for prosperous lives for their people.

Precious Minerals Brokerage
Leespa Investment Groups provides clients with a full-service precious metals trading capability and global access to the related financial markets through offices in London, Singapore, Shanghai, and Dubai. We specialize in serving bullion wholesalers and traders, refiners and smelters, government agencies, banks and financial institutions, jewellery manufacturers and other industrial users of precious metals.
We are reliable and competitive wholesale suppliers of gold, silver and platinum group metals in the form of London good-delivery bars, other bars, grains, sheets, doré, wafers and wire. We also buy scrap and semi-refined metal offering attractive payment terms.

Franchise Distribution Brokerage
Franchising leverages the confidence consumers have in big, established brands to provide credibility to small businesses. The principal benefit is that a small company is backed by a major brand, providing customers with the confidence that the business is credible, its products sound and the service rendered will meet certain standards.
Leespa Investment Groups offers significant opportunities for global expansion using franchise and distribution strategies across a range of sectors, such as retail, hospitality, leisure, education, healthcare and commercial and domestic services. Leespa Investment Group will help you exploit these opportunities and understand the local regulations surrounding distribution of goods and services across the continent.
Our franchise and distribution team combines broad international experience with local legal knowledge, delivered by our associated firms spanning Africa's Arabic, English, French and Portuguese-speaking regions.
In emerging markets such as Africa, franchising has long been recognized as the preferred method of expansion for many companies. Franchising is a flexible and low-risk strategic tool that enables businesses to grow in emerging markets at a faster pace, but it is not well understood in many African countries. Our Franchise team at Leespa Investment Groups can advise on the full range of legal issues facing franchise companies in Africa